The last weekend was a whirl of fun. Dan came through town to give a two day Train Kiln workshop. There was about 7 or more of us that have at one time or another, been taught by Dan at Utah State. It could have been the most fun I've had at this type of workshop ever. Lots of laughing and lots of drinking! At some point during the loading I had to stop and massage my cheeks because I haven't laughed and giggled so much in a long time. It does feel good to laugh.

I made a decision to fire the soda kiln first, instead of the Cat. One reason was because I've been pretty curious lately to see what my style of pots would look like compared to a salt or a wood/salt. I'm happy to say I'm really diggin the results.

The pots came out real perdy and as Lynn Munns said, "Very lovely". Although these pots are lookin good, I'm looking forward to making the pots specifically for the Cat.

I'm still not totally convinced on the best style of firing for the sgraffito pots..but at least I'm happy to say that I was super excited to pull a few of these pots out, and after 4 days I'm still feeling really good.
So far, so Fun in Redlodge. Tomorrow I'll start making more pots and getting geared up for the Cat firing around the 20th of March.