Friday, February 24, 2012


That's Perry Haas, Robin DuPont, Me and Dan Murphy while we were in Korea.

Today, at some point, me ole instructor, Dan J Murphy will be gracing the tiny town of Redloge with his wood-fire expertise. Starting tomorrow morning Dan is going to give a workshop about firing the Train kiln, a kiln that is... so Utah State. We'll be loading the kiln Saturday morning and on Sunday, while the fire starts to roar, Dan will be in the studio making pots. It should be super fun and a lot of folks that I went to school with are coming, and also lots of people in Montana. It's free! You have any work? bring it on and learn something...get it fired. And even ( I think).. I, and the other residents will be giving a short slide talk about our work.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful opportunity for some lucky people! Since I am a couple of days away all I can do is wish I were there>
