Last night, or the night before..I can't really remember.. I updated the website just a little bit. I added a few new pics of my most recent work that I had the time to photograph. Check it out if you haven't already.
Today is Tuesday..yes, Tuesday. It feels like a new beginning.... we just need to get organized, recoup and pick up the pieces.
Most of the visitors are leaving, or have left..or will be gone soon and the place feels like it's getting back to normal. Normal is good. Busy is good too... I'm really excited to get back into a rhythm in the studio. I have some new ideas kicking around and all in all I got a really good response from the people who saw my own work in our studio. I had a lot of wood fired pots out, and I displayed "Man" on the wall, along with one of my first wall sculptures.
I'm happy to say that the sculpture was sold to Birdie Boone, a super sweet, sexy lady living in..where did she say? Arizona or something. She's a potter..and a really good one. When another artist buys my work I always feel a bit more proud of that, then just a stranger or a none-maker. Being a potter myself, I tend to be a bit snobby about the type of work I buy. I feel we probably all do that.