...a blog about the pottery happenings in my life. I'm a potter, living in Los Angeles, California.
Monday, December 17, 2012
that time has come.
that time has come! the show is over.... the ceramics at the Center is slowing down... not a whole lot going on so what's a guy like me to do? get sick I guess. I got nailed with the worst cold I've had in years I think. From last Friday morning until the afternoon today I felt like a big blob of goo. I'm sure I'll be back in action tomorrow morning. I'm feeling much better tonight.
Most important of all when considering the place you dump your life into for while.... leaving no trace behind. Like the good hikers unspoken rule.. Pack out whatever you pack in. Look at my studio and all the junk I have to figure out what to do with. I've collected a number new things since getting here...and to downsize too, since I don't have a car anymore. A nomadic potters life. Well, maybe not nomadic... that's more seasonal moving. Maybe I'm more like a gypsy now... a one man pottery caravan! such is the life. I'm excited to move on. But when the time comes, I'll shed a few bitter sweet tears for the people and the place that I've learned to call home.
Monday, December 10, 2012
"Carved" goes online
Hey everybody. I took some pictures and uploaded what's left for sale from my show, Carved. If you've ever wanted a piece of mine..now is a great time to get it!
please click the following link:
please click the following link:

Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
it's Teaser Thursday!!
Part of my family have arrived in the Bay Area already. They're playing in the City today. what City? the CITY of course. San Francisco. Everybody that has been associate with the SF, lived here, in it, around it.. it's always called, "the City". I'll quote you Steinbeck from his book Travels with Charley:
-When I was a child growing up in Salinas we called San Francisco "the City." Of course it was the only city we knew, but I still think of it as the City, and so does everyone else who has ever associated with it. A strange and exclusive word is "city." Besides San Francisco, only small sections of London and Rome stay in the mind as the City. New yorkers say they are going to town. Paris has no title but Paris. Mexico City is the Capital. -
So the City, being the center point of this wonderful area is where my dad is playing around today.... I'm here in Sonoma, the North Bay, getting a few final details worked out. We have plans for dinner later. I'm so happy that the show is up and ready two days before the opening.
Stress is a killer. Life is too short for it.. and I'm glad I planned and prepared well enough to enjoy the company of my loved ones while they are here.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
It's Teaser Wednesday!
I wanted to throw out a little teaser of three pieces that have been installed for my show opening this Friday. For the entire show there's about 23 pieces plus a good selection of cups and mugs. The show looks awesome. All I need to do is finish the labels and statement. Are you going to come? Friday at 5 pm at the Sonoma Community Center. It's going to be so much fun. Lots of good pots, good wine and better food (Sarah is making pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw and lots of yummy h'orderves!!).
So here's one section with three separate pieces. The big jar in the front, a teapot on the wall and a tile piece. They were all made and decorated the same way I've been going since I've been here but instead of being salt fired they were put into the electric kiln to cone 10.
The surface, after being sanded feels really nice and soft. The clay is like an antique white and the black..ohh the black stayed nice and black.
I'll do another teaser tomorrow, and then Friday before the opening I'll post pictures of the entire space and all the work. And by the way, if you're interested in purchasing any work from the show, Monday the 10th I'll be posting what's left for sale on my etsy site. So please take that into consideration!!
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