Friday, December 17, 2010

it's all apart of the job

Being sefl-employed definitely has it's perks... one of the great things about working for yourself is that when opportunities come a'knocking, you don't have to say to it, "ah dang..I can't. I have to work". Instead I get to say..well, my schedule is pretty flexible and I can move it around. This week I got a wonderful email telling yet another kiln at the Archie Bray was coming down and if I helped I could use the brick on the little wood kiln my friends and I are building. All I had to do was help carefully rip it down then cut this wall a little bit bigger so a big new kiln can get moved in. It wasn't so bad, in fact using a sledge hammer made me feel really good. It was warm enough that I could wear only a t-shirt while I bashed away. It was worth the extreme amount of dust and dirt in my eyes..because we'll now have enough nice brick to finish the walls and get the stack workin this weekend.

Other cool parts about my job are things like having the opportunity to volunteer at the local Holter Museum (which is my very first venue showcasing my own personal pots). Last night we volunteered for an event.. and my sister and I were in charge of the bar- ha! We made some good martinis, whisky-cider and wine for the public that showed up to watch a group of people walk the red carpet. It was a fashion show. I didn't see much, because I stayed at the bar, serving what seemed to be a never satisfied crowd the whole time. Working so hard with all that free booze didn't stop me from workin what I got on the red carpet with a new friend, Rachel. Nice moves, huh? Jeez.....

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