Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A peek at a piece


It's been a little over 4 months in Sonoma now.  My show is looming on the horizon..and as a result I've started to transition into leaving at some point.  It's all coming to a close eh?  It's far from over with still so much left to do.  I'm planning two more firings before the show opens on the 7th of December.  I know, 2, right?  I have a plan that involves a firing in about 2 weeks...and then the last at the end of the month. This next firing will have the last of things like..cups, bowls...along with pitchers and teapots.  I should have some good variety..with lots of different forms for the pedestals and healthy number of work for the wall, like... platters, tiles, and plates.  The last firing is going to have two big pots in it...big thrown pots, maybe..  3 or 4 feet tall.  Big pots are tough.... and I'll confess that I seriously suck at it.  Owen is a pro at it though..and told me he'd give me some help, along with a giant propane torch.   I feel like a nice big carved pot could really round the whole thing out...  and speaking of the show..

the above is one of the platters that will be displayed.  I'm keeping the show pieces hidden away to build the suspense up you know?  sounds silly.  but why not make it that way?  So here's a sneak peek!