The first unloading. It was a pretty quiet evening with a few friends and family showing up to see the results. We lit up the fire pit and roasted some brats and had some beers. I think all in all the firing was a good go. There were quite a few pots that were lookin pretty good and a few that looked real bad and some in between.

Now it'll become a game of adjustments and tweaks..paying attention to how the kiln is being fired, how it's stacked and for how long to fire...bagwall height.. exit flue adjustments.. Good thing it doesn't take a lot of pots to fill this thing. It means we'll dial it quickly. I think the next firing will be much much better.
I'm going to shoot some images of these pots probably later this week and I'll get them online to see.
Thanks for coming along with us all on this grand adventure of Kiln building and firing. It was damn fun.
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