Saturday, May 7, 2011


While this last kiln cooled.. and after the studio was cleaned up, after the mad rush before the mad studio sale (which went very well by the way), after the second to last kids class for a few months and after finally paying a few neglected bills... I slept like I haven't slept in months. It's been some time since I took a five hour nap in the middle of the day, or had the type of sleep..that felt like real sleep. you know..that good kind of sleep when all is black, and deep.. calm like a summers night, laying on your back gazing into the heavens...the smell of trees and the touch of a warm breeze...and when you wake, not feeling the need to get up right away (all the things, at least the immediate things, are finished). it was the sort.. that when you finally do wake up, it's easy to say.. i'm going to go back to sleep now, because it's ok.. and it happens in less than a moment.

these experiences happen seldom. already, after a few days I feel the urge to get more and more done because time, for me, is moving at an incredible pace. i have to keep up. ebb and flow..ebb and flow. balance. where is my center?

here's the last kiln. which i fired with Kenyon at the Bray. wood/salt..cone 9. just a couple of quick snapshots with my computer. these will be cleaned up and shot the right way by Sunday..and then off to the Holter Museum's sales gallery Monday morning. I'm a week late.. but i think it was worth it.

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