Back in school I was making prints and pots that had faces on them. In many ways, these faces were a reflection of my own self.
The above image, "Drink to my Salvation", had to do with my own and my friends/families drinking habits...
"Man" dealt with the fact that I was there, in a way, but was missing areas, yet even missing these pieces... I was still being acknowledged.
Wood block prints such as "Dos Hombres" and "Conspiracy" had to do with how I have/can/could/did....communicate with my fellow humans.
The above image, "Drink to my Salvation", had to do with my own and my friends/families drinking habits...
Wood block prints such as "Dos Hombres" and "Conspiracy" had to do with how I have/can/could/did....communicate with my fellow humans.
Now I want to reconsider, through a vessel form, how we as humans are communicating..engaging with... and manipulating one another. I've been attracted to the profile of a human head for so long..and I'm going with it. I'm going to dig this idea back out... I'm just not done with it.
Tonight I went out to a City Party that Sonoma put on. There were so many people out, just hanging around eating food and drinking wine or beer. Streets were closed... it was like a giant block party. There was a live band. It was amazing to see....
Tonight I went out to a City Party that Sonoma put on. There were so many people out, just hanging around eating food and drinking wine or beer. Streets were closed... it was like a giant block party. There was a live band. It was amazing to see....

Ever see a Peruvian pot, or anything from Mexico/South America with a stirrup handle? Yah.. I feel as if this is where I"m headed. I'm thinking that between the multiple vessels..the stirrup handle can connect in the center and become one idea or thought. you know what I mean? I'm excited about this idea..and am thinking this will be the major idea behind my solo show happening in December.

It sounds right. It makes sense to me.
That's Marty. He works at the Center..all around good dude.
We'll see what happens...